28 подписчиков
2 видео
Adding Favicon image to a Ruby On Rails website
rails convert html to microsoft word by using gem htmltoword
Simple way to add sitemap.xml file to your ruby on rails website
how to deploy or host ROR app to heroku app
Add 404 error page to Ruby on Rails website
gem 'bootstrap-sass'
Rails sending welcome email after create a user with gem devise and action mailer
Ruby on Rails convert Ruby html to pdf file gem 'prawn'
Rails active admin add search option to dropdown menu
Add google review to your website 2020
how to share your google reviews in your website
Ruby On Rails link pdf file to a ruby on rails app
gem 'gibbon' connect your ruby on rails app users to your mailchimp account list
wordpress Ultimate members plugin setup profile and login button inside menu
Ruby on Rails search between Minimum and maximum numeric input by using scope
How to open a pacifierclip and how to replace a teether with a pacifier
Dark 18392
Ruby on rails Create an admin by using gem devise and make him control the website
gem "recaptcha", require: "recaptcha/rails"
create branch with git
Point GoDaddy subdomain to Heroku app
ruby on rails sorting data column and direction
Ruby on Rails navbar active class for the current page path link nav ror
Build simple search function form to search for model attributes for ruby on rails website
gem ‘mail_form' send an e-mail straight from a form
fix mandrill email rejected and connect mandrill to godaddy account