2 миллионов подписчиков
4 тысяч видео
Lecture 10: Multithreading Demo Gestures
19. Aggression III
Programmable transcriptional memory by CRISPR-mediated epigenome editing
Cosmology Lecture 5
General Relativity Lecture 5
Investigating the underlying neural circuits that regulate female aggressive behavior
4. Technology and Social Change
Lecture 1 | New Revolutions in Particle Physics: Basic Concepts
Cosmology | Lecture 5
9. Ethology
18. Aggression II
Using Technology to Rethink How We Teach and Learn
Lecture 5 | New Revolutions in Particle Physics: Basic Concepts
Stanfords free online classes share knowledge with the world
The Quest for Transparent AI
General Relativity Lecture 2
Energy-Intensive Electrocatalysis
Lecture 5 | Programming Paradigms (Stanford)
Lecture 5 | String Theory and M-Theory
Demystifying the Higgs Boson with Leonard Susskind
General Relativity Lecture 1
Perspectives on Venture Capital Industry
Stanford’s Combined Medicine-Anesthesiology Residency Program
Global Women in Data Science (WiDS) Conference at Stanford
Google App Engine
Special Relativity | Lecture 5
6. Behavioral Genetics I
Unmet needs in regulatory science for generic drugs
The Neuroscience of Learning - Bruce McCandliss
How to Run a Smart Campaign
Stanford anesthesia resident discusses the benefits of the internal medicine internship
Lecture 3 | Modern Physics: Quantum Mechanics (Stanford)
Lecture 16 | Convex Optimization I (Stanford)
Lecture 1 | Programming Methodology (Stanford)
Lecture 20 | The Fourier Transforms and its Applications
How the stroke stopwatch was shattered
Lecture 5 | The Fourier Transforms and its Applications
21. Chaos and Reductionism
Lecture 21 | The Fourier Transforms and its Applications
Einsteins General Theory of Relativity | Lecture 5
Classical Mechanics | Lecture 5
Dissecting Stuxnet
Lecture 5 | Convex Optimization I (Stanford)
Lecture 3 | Convex Optimization I (Stanford)
Ancient Philosophies as a Way of Life: Socrates
Lecture 1 | Quantum Entanglements, Part 1 (Stanford)
Lecture 1 | Modern Physics: Classical Mechanics (Stanford)
Lecture 2 | Convex Optimization I (Stanford)
Lecture 1 | Modern Physics: Quantum Mechanics (Stanford)
ARTHIST 1B: History of Western Art from the Renaissance to the Present
20. Aggression IV