74 тысяч подписчиков
9 видео
This is THE HARDEST MAP from 2009
Ekoro isn't THAAT under ranked
osu! players PLEASE.....
Cookiezi wasn't THAAT ahead of his time
why your aim sucks
[POV] You're getting DESTROYED by Whitecat mrekk and Vaxei
peppy wasn't the first osu! account....
Badeu's aim isn't THAAT crazy
khz isn't THAAT good at streams
why isn't this ranked...
Nerve control technique I learnt from a monk in Japan
osu! is a horror game masterpiece
osu!lazer actually has pp now
osu! Keypad? Actually worth it? (Simpad v2 Review)
only osu! players man...
yEs BuT, iS yOu'R aIm THIS SMOOTH?
ASMR osu! *keyboard noises*