Excel assignment
M2D1 Working with polynomials
Week 1 Intro to Discrete Math
Welcome to Contemporary Math
Tension on wires
Maple magnification
Welcome to Statistics
Shifting functions
Cylindrical coordinates cone ideas
Gradient vector
Tension on traffic light
Harry Torty Rematch
Sun solar vector
Continuity multivariable
Addition of limits
Introduction to the notation in the supremum of a set
A look at mod 2 (field of order 2)
M5 Z Scores
Addition table mod 12
Introduction to functions
Introduction to inverse functions
Intro to one to one and onto functions
M2 Exploring histograms, means, median, and st deviation in Statcrunch
M2 Mean median mode (Sec 2.3)
M1 Statcrunch example
Proof sequence example from homework
M7 discussion strategies for answer
Intro to Maple for Linear Algebra
Power line problem
Big O Omega Theta
An equation with fractions
Jordan Canonical Form, an example
Rational Canonical Form, an example
Sec 3 1 Recurrence relations and bunnies are dying
Limits and continuity, a visual approach
Touching base in week2
What is a subring?
What is an integral domain?
From data to a logarithmic model in Excel
Exponential functions
What is division ring?
What is a ring?
Separable differential equation
Solving an equation with a radical
Solving a quadratic equation with quadratic formula and complex numbers
Graphing a quadratic equation in Desmos
Demoivre's Theorem example
Power reducing formulas for cosine and sine squared