I Predicted The Stock Market Using Tweets & Sentiment Analysis
You can view the source code for this program as it is open source here: https://github.com/neel-banga/Predict...
Don't click this link: https://bit.ly/3nH4VWZ
Discord Server: / discord
GitHub: https://github.com/neel-banga/
Contact: [email protected]
Here's how I did it:
I began by creating a python file as I was going to use programming or coding to solve this problem/
I began by scraping tweets containing a specific list of companies, stored in a text file, to do this, I used an API called Twint. Twint was pretty simple to use as it is a python module.
I also used Tensorlfow to create a sentiment analysis model, I learned a bunch of new artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and deep learning (DL) concepts. These included word embeddings, epochs, loss functions, optimizers like SDG and Adam, one-hot-encoding, Binary Crossentropy loss functions, MAE loss functions, MSE loss functions, etc.
I do want to try using other implementations of this like PyTorch, Jax, and other deep learning frameworks built mainly for Python.
By the way, if you don't know what a module is, they are other people's code that you can implement, popular modules include NumPy (although this is built in), Cython, Discord.py, PyCord, Jax, Pytorch, etc.
Using data and using modules for data science was super fun and I'll definitely do it again, so be ready!
And when the stock market may crash, I'll keep this script in handy.
By the way, if you remember me, my channel name used to be programming done right, now it's Neel's Tech Show, so you may not recognize the new name.
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