"Must I really do this?" Hubert groaned.
"Hubert, I am asking you as a friend," Edelgard told him, "however, if you are feeling less than compliant, then consider this an order from your emperor."
"...in that outfit? Is this really necessary?" he asked with a huff.
"Yes it is. It has to be this outfit, because... a-anyway, I do not need to explain myself. Use the spell on me!"
"...fine," Hubert agreed with no small measure of reluctance. Flipping open his tome, he began to chant the spell that would shrink her.
Standing in the exact same place as before took Edelgard back to the last time the spell was cast on her, five years ago. The way the magic of the spell was formed, the feel of it seeping into her body, and the experience of everything around her growing steadily larger... Just like last time. Part of her even doubted that her shrinking would ever stop. She shrank until she stood the same size as back then, a tiny fraction of her original height.
"Thank you," she squeaked at her retainer. Hubert did not look pleased, but that was to be expected. Undeterred, she issued a high-pitched command. "Pick me up, Hubert."
He did as instructed, bending over to retrieve his tiny liege before standing back up.
"What now, your majesty?" Hubert asked her, not liking whatever plan she had brewed up in that little head of hers.
"First, take me to the Professor's room..."