Selenium Cucumber BDD Framework with Java and TestNG | Background in Feature files

Опубликовано: 26 Сентябрь 2023
на канале: SDET Adda For QA Automation

In a Cucumber feature file, the Background section is used to define common preconditions that should be set up before executing each scenario within that feature file. The primary purpose of the Background section is to reduce redundancy by allowing you to specify steps that are common to multiple scenarios without repeating them in each scenario. Here's a more detailed explanation of how the Background section is used in a feature file:

1. Scenario Precondition:
The Background section is placed at the beginning of the feature file, right after the Feature definition.
It consists of one or more steps that describe the initial state or context required for the scenarios in the feature file.

2. Common Steps:
The steps in the Background section are common to all scenarios in that feature file.
These steps can set up the environment, configure system settings, or perform any other necessary preparations.
By defining these common steps in the Background, you avoid duplicating them in every scenario, which makes the feature file more concise and maintainable.

3. Scenario-Specific Steps:
After the Background section, you can define multiple scenarios, each with its own Scenario keyword.
Each scenario starts with a fresh state, but the steps from the Background are executed before the scenario-specific steps.
This ensures that the common preconditions are established before running the specific steps for that scenario.

4. Readability and Clarity:
Using the Background section enhances the readability and clarity of your feature file.
It helps to focus on the unique behavior of each scenario without being distracted by the shared setup steps.

Here's an example of a feature file with a Background section:

Feature: User Registration

Given the following users exist:
| username | email | password |
| user1 | [email protected] | password1 |
| user2 | [email protected] | password2 |

Scenario: Successful user registration
When I open the registration page
And I fill in the registration form with:
| username | email | password |
| newuser | [email protected] | newpassword |
And I submit the registration form
Then I should see a success message

Scenario: Registration with an existing username
When I open the registration page
And I fill in the registration form with:
| username | email | password |
| user1 | [email protected] | password3 |
And I submit the registration form
Then I should see an error message

In this example, the Background section sets up two users that are common to both scenarios. Each scenario then builds upon this common setup with its specific steps. The Background section helps maintain consistency and avoids redundancy in the feature file.

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