ultraviolet photography filter

Опубликовано: 24 Ноябрь 2014
на канале: Antonino Cosentino

CHSOS just tested an inter­fer­en­tial UV/IR cut fil­ter for Ultra­vi­o­let Flu­o­res­cence Pho­tog­ra­phy (UVF). This fil­ter is the solu­tion to the auto flu­o­res­cence of other UV fil­ters [1]. It is rec­om­mended for UVF close up pho­tog­ra­phy. The CHSOS fil­ter set for art exam­i­na­tion com­prises two fil­ters for UVF pho­tog­ra­phy: XNite CC1 cou­pled with B+W 420. The first is trans­par­ent to the UV (360–400 nm) and it is nec­es­sary to block any infrared light that can be pro­duced by the UV lamp or being present in the scene from other sources. If UV LEDs lamps are used such as the CR-UV Viewer or the Xeno­pus High flux lamp the infrared com­po­nent is much less than that leak­ing from wood lamps.

The B+W 420, a UV cut-off fil­ter, is nec­es­sary to stop the UV reflected from the sub­ject. A mod­i­fied full spec­trum cam­era becomes even more sen­si­tive to UV light and there­fore UV reflected must be shielded oth­er­wise the images will be dom­i­nated by the pur­ple color due to UV light. So far the B+W 420 fil­ter works fine and there would be no need to replace it. It has been used by CHSOS in a num­ber of art exam­i­na­tion stud­ies [2, 3] and for the work­flow method for pig­ments iden­ti­fi­ca­tion [4] and it works fine in the panoramic pho­tog­ra­phy set up [5]. The lim­its of the B+W 420 fil­ter become obvi­ous when it is nec­es­sary to take a close up UVF image of the sub­ject. B+W 420 has a com­pa­ra­ble trans­mit­tance curve as the inter­fer­en­tial UV/IR fil­ter. The dif­fer­ence is that the B+W 420 is flu­o­res­cent itself under UV light. If the pic­ture is taken from a dis­tance and the UV lamp are at a close angle, the reflected UV light that hits the fil­ter is a frac­tion of the UV flu­o­res­cence and the excited flu­o­res­cence of the fil­ter doesn’t affect the image. On the other hand, if a close up UVF photo is taken the amount of UV hit­ting the fil­ter could affect con­sid­er­able the image quality.