Unlock efficient code management by integrating GitHub, Xcode Source Control, and GitKraken. This tutorial guides developers through setup and optimization for a smoother workflow. Enhance your project collaboration and version control skills with these essential tools.
GITKRAKEN: https://www.gitkraken.com/invite/vQvb...
WEBSITE: https://www.swiftful-thinking.com
DISCORD: / discord
GITHUB: https://github.com/SwiftfulThinking/
SAY THANKS: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/nicksarno
02:14 Welcome back!
02:49 What is Git?
04:09 What is a repository?
05:14 Git vs Github
05:50 Create a Github account
06:32 Connecting Github to Xcode
07:36 Creating a personal access token
10:36 Update your Git Author credentials
11:25 Ignoring Xcode files
12:01 How does a remote repo work?
13:18 What is a GUI?
16:12 Creating a GitKraken account!
20:38 Recap account set up
21:21 Wrapping up