В Бурзянском районе дети ходят в школу с топорами. Учителя к этому относятся спокойно. Они понимают, что ученики идут рано утром, из соседней деревни, через густой лес.
На учебу родители из села Ямаш снаряжают группу школьников. Один из участников такой экспедиции в обязательном порядке несет в руке топор, который ребенок, видимо, готов использовать в качестве оружия при встрече с диким зверем. Путь неблизкий, а возить учеников не получается, объяснили в районной администрации нашим коллегам из "Медиакорсети". По крутому склону автобус не проедет. Проблема появилась, когда детей перевели в образовательное учреждение в соседнем населенном пункте.
In Burzyansky District children go to school with axes. Teachers refer to it calmly. They understand that students go early in the morning, from the neighboring village, through the dense forest. In the study the parents from the village Yamashev equip a group of schoolchildren. One of the participants in such an expedition necessarily carries in his hand ax, which the child seems ready to be used as a weapon in an encounter with a wild animal. A long way, and the disciples to carry it is impossible, in the district administration explained to our colleagues from "Mediakorseti". On a steep slope bus will not pass. The problem came when the children were transferred to an educational institution in the neighboring settlement punkte.V Burzyansky District children go to school with axes. Teachers refer to it calmly. They understand that students go early in the morning, from the neighboring village, through the dense forest.
In the study the parents from the village Yamashev equip a group of schoolchildren. One of the participants in such an expedition necessarily carries in his hand ax, which the child seems ready to be used as a weapon in an encounter with a wild animal. A long way, and the disciples to carry it is impossible, in the district administration explained to our colleagues from "Mediakorseti". On a steep slope bus will not pass. The problem came when the children were transferred to an educational institution in a neighboring village.