Welcome to my Video Editing Training Course with Davinci Resolve!
If you are serious about video editing and your learning, it's HIGHLY recommended to purchase a license for the studio version of this software. There are so many features and performance upgrades that you get access to that isn't available in the free version. In this video, I will speak about a few of those features but also share some keyboard shortcuts that will make your life 1 million times easier! lol.
I am DETERMINED to remove your fear of video editing. Instead…you will look forward to editing by the end of this course! I'm gonna teach you guys how I edit, and why I love doing it so much. While my methods may not be the industry standard or secular methods, I can assure you that you have the tools necessary to achieve the look and result of your heart’s desire. Now, let’s get this show on the road!!
Course Curriculum Link:
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