What I have here looks just like a generic rock, but it's actually pretty dangerous. All of the white stuff is actually asbestos, which is horrible to breathe in. #shorts
5. Привычки успешных людей. (Брайан Трейси)
УЗИ плевральной полости, гемоторакс.
Питон Каа
This Makes Women Want You Sexually (Works Every Time)
DarkFlash DY470 PC Case!!
Symphony E95 Frp Bypass Google Account Lock Bypass Android Version 8 1 0 Without Pc 1000% Working 2
Making an atomic trampoline
Completely dissolving a penny in acid
Turning styrofoam into cinnamon candy
Making purple gold
Making bulletproof wood
I accidentally killed this magnet
Turning paint thinner into cherry soda
Making the stinkiest chemical known to man
Ferrofluid is crazy
Making hydrogen and oxygen bubbles
Burning sulfur singes what's left of my eyeballs
Doing something weird with mercury
This balloon shook the entire room
Diamonds are not forever
Light bulb vs liquid nitrogen
Something weird grows from this liquid
Making hydrogen bubbles
Burning my eyeballs again
Asbestos is dangerous
This is one of the weirdest reactions I've ever seen
I love what happens when I shake this bottle
This bear was innocent
Making a ball of perfectly clear ice
This is not a liquid or a gas