It's Halloween at Toad Town High, and a party is coming up to celebrate the occasion. Carl, however, has no idea what to wear, until his mother buys him a strange costume from an unfamiliar location. At first, Carl hates it, however it turns out to be more than meets the eye.
Special Thanks To:
Carmen: Grace/Talia/Roxanne/Ruby / @carmenchihiro1067
AverageToaster19: Linda/Kylie/Carrie/Sally/Mary-Lynn/Janie/Rain / @averagetoaster19
Popplio Power: Liam/Harry/Mr. Moore + Halloween Costume Sprites / @roseydog07
Swoldow EVGRB: Mark/Roberto / @sw0ld0w
BluePastels: Miss Bishop / @bluepastels
GengarOfTheOpera: Tucker / @goto745
Cowabunga: Halloween Costume Sprites / @cowabunga5525
Kool King Productions: Transition & Endscreen Animations / @koolanimations34
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