Millions Learning project at the Center for Universal Education (CUE) at Brookings will host an event to share lessons learned after more than four years of participatory research on the process of scaling impact in education in low- and middle-income countries and discuss their applicability for global education actors in countries around the world. Omar Qargha, a fellow at CUE, will begin the event by sharing an overview of key findings from the forthcoming summative report, “Scaling impact in education for transformative change: Practical recommendations from the Real-time Scaling Labs.” This will be followed by two panel discussions with representatives from the Real-time Scaling Labs in Botswana, Côte d’Ivoire, Jordan, and Tanzania, as well as an interactive World Café discussion to share insights from each RTSL’s scaling journey. The event will be followed by informal coffee and networking.
This event is open for in-person attendance or to watch online (note there will be a pause in livestreaming during the World Café in-person conversations). Simultaneous English-French interpretation will be available in person, and the livestream will have both English and French options. Online viewers can submit questions by emailing [email protected] or on Twitter using #MillionsLearning.