Welcome to EUMETSAT´s Meteorological Satellite Conference 2024!
Over the years, the EUMETSAT user conference had become a key annual event for the meteorological and scientific communities where participants from around the world can meet to share their experience and knowledge during plenary, poster and workshop sessions held over the course of 5 days.
09:00-10:00: How can cloud technologies best be leveraged to support the needs of traditional use cases and novel ones such as machine learning?
-Marie-Francoise Voidrot, Director of Collaborative Solutions and Innovation Program, Open Geospatial Consortium
-Tomas Karlsson, Chief architect, SMHI
-Jenny Rourke, EUMETSAT
-Daniel Lee, EUMETSAT
For more info, visit: https://www.eumetsat.int/eumetsat-met...
View the full programme here: https://program-eumetsat2024.kuoni-co...