How To Make G-Major 221:
1st: HSL Adjust
Add to hue: 0.100
Saturation: 2.000
Luminance: 1.000
2nd: Glow
Glow percent: 0.100
Intensity: 1.000
Suppression: 0.500
Color: 180, 1.0, 1.0
3rd: Unsharp Mask
Amount: 2.000
Radius: 0.010
Threshold: 0.000
4th: Gradient Map
0; R: 0, G: 0, B: 0, A: 255
1; R: 23, G: 0, B: 59, A: 255
2; R: 51, G: 0, B: 71, A: 51
3; R: 0, G: 0, B: 0, A: 0
Amount: 1.0000
Mode: Blend
Track 1
Method: élastique
Stretch Attributes: Pro
Pitch change: -12.00000
Formant shift: OFF
Track 2
Method: élastique
Stretch Attributes: Pro
Pitch change: -4.50000
Formant shift: OFF
Track 3
Method: None
Track 4
Method: élastique
Stretch Attributes: Pro
Pitch change: 7.50000
Formant shift: OFF
Track 5
Method: élastique
Stretch Attributes: Pro
Pitch change: 12.50000
Formant shift: OFF
Effect by: @TheKlaskyCsupoLogoEditor